BNSF Railway
BNSF’s Operation Stop is an intervention program that encourages the workforce to assist fellow employees who may have drug, alcohol or other abuse issues. The goal is to have abuses reported directly to the OpStop committee—a group of peers and union members– who keep all information confidential so that there is no damage to the employee’s work record. The committee intervenes to help the employee enter the right professional assistance program and to clear the way with necessary leave time and coordinate insurance benefits.
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad approached Imagimedia to augment the services of their in-house media department in the development and production of this important film. Based loosely on true-life stories provided by employees who had been helped by the OpStop program, Imagimedia wrote a series of three scripts that integrated necessary exposition into dramatized story lines. We then brought these stories to the screen with filmic production values by performing director and producer services that managed our creative vision throughout all phases of production.
What we did
- Research
- Concept
- Scripting
- Music Production
- Director on set
- Post production supervision
- CATEGORY Video Projects